[WebGL version uploaded after jam]

Megasprawl is a game where you try to control a quickly growing city, you must supply it with electricity, transport, and prevent severe pollution

Built to Scale

This game addresses the theme by allowing the player to build totally massive cities at a 1:1 scale, with my usual low-poly-pixel-art style. Cities can reach populations over 40m (although I cannot guarantee it will run well or at all on your pc)

(a city of 39m)

In-game screenshots below:


WASD to move camera

E+F to move camera up and down

L Shift to speed up camera

1-2-3 to choose tile

LMB to place chosen tile

How it works:

There are constantly new city tiles spawning on the outer reaches of the city (although only adjacent to other city tiles) they need electricity, and access to transport.

Electricity comes from power plants, which also produce large amounts of pollution, at least 50% of the city requires power

Transport access comes from Metro stations, at least 25% of the city must be near one

Pollution is generated by city tiles, and power plants, place parks to reduce pollution

To-do Post-Jam

  • Balance: All the values where literally just the first ones I came up with, and just so happened to be playable so I just left them for the jam
  • Difficulty settings: I'm sure some people will want to just chill and make a stupid big city, and some will want a bigger challenge, so I'll try to address that
  • Volume settings and more music: Volume controls and more songs should be added
  • More Tile Variation: Only really parks have an adequate amount of variety, so I'll go in later and make a bunch of variants of all of the tiles to make cities less repetitive looking
  • Terrain: Again to make cities more interesting looking, such as water features like lakes, rivers, bays, as well as mountains (Hills and elevation changes are out of the question), even better if I can make it player-customisable
  • Business Districts: special tiles that add significant population at the cost of large amounts of pollution and electricity
  • Themes: Just adding different visual themes so you can make whatever type of city you want (eg: an American theme where instead of metro stations it's highway interchanges and instead of slums it's sprawled suburbs)
  • More Camera Controls: so you can appreciate the city in all it's glory
  • Further optimisations: I started with the game barely able to handle 10m cities, so already there has been big improvements, but it still slows down near ~40m (4000 tiles!), splitting the city into smaller subsections to scan would be a viable solution but would mean some cases where tiles that should be checked aren't

Obviously a lot but I genuinely am very proud of this game and want to make it the best it can be.

Thank you,

Mitchell // Turbocobra :)

Updated 1 day ago
Published 28 days ago
Made withUnity
TagsCity Builder, Cyberpunk


MegasprawlJAMEDITION.zip 30 MB
Megasprawl 0.3.zip 29 MB

Install instructions

Unzip and run :)

Game may not run well on lower end machines & has no volume controls because I forgor (sorry)

Development log


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Wow, I'm amazed how you did this. It really gave me a sense of scale for how big some cities are

Thank you very much :)


Great idea! Gets quickly challenging!

Thanks! yeah it does haha